Datenanalytik & Digitales Marketing

Digital Billboards

Ready-made LED displays for broadcasting commercials and any other video content.

canvases are installed in the supporting structure, fully adjusted and tested in our assembly workshop. You get a ready-made video display.


Design Options

Digital billboards can be one-sided or two-sided. The second side can have a static poster, a blank wall or another LED display. It can be supplied with a rectangular or round pole.

Design options

Digital Displays

They differ in the type of LED modules and pixel pitch. There are two types of modules available — SMD and DIP.


SMD modules are compact, LEDs are assembled in one cell. The picture looks good even at close range.

Pixel Pitch

It’s the density of pixels relative to each other. The smaller the step, the sharper the image.


DIP modules allow for greater image contrast during the day due to their brightness.

Pixel Pitch

It’s the density of pixels relative to each other. The smaller the step, the sharper the image.

Display Components

The display consists of cabinets that include LED modules, units to power these modules and cards that receive the video signal.

All internal electronic components are grounded

Operation in the temperature range from ‒40 to 50 °С

Electrical wiring is made according to electrical installation rule

Waterproofed system unit

Display lifespan — more than 10 years

In the production of LED displays, our company DiMedia uses high quality components:

  • NationStar LEDs with gold conductor
  • Macroblock MBI5124 power drivers with 1920 Hz update rate
  • Includes NovaStar remote control screen system
  • Delta CE power supply units DPS-300AB-76 B CE with spare capacity of 25% and ventilation sensor
Distributor Box

Inside the structure the closed system block which consists of a control system, multi-card, elements of power supply and protection against lightning blow settles down.

The system unit is equipped with external indicators and switches. It moves on rails, allowing access to any part of the display.

Our displays include Macroblock (MBI) power drivers. Delta power supplies are used to extend the temperature range of LED displays.


Remote Connection

Digital displays can be set up and managed remotely from anywhere in the world via the Internet. Connection to the global network is made through network cards, Wi-Fi and GSM (3G, 4G) modules.


Three Types of Poles

Rectangular, round and square shapes are available.


Rectangular Pole


Safety hinges

Dislodgement and squeezing of the door from the frame in case of icing of internal gutters are excluded.

Eye fasteners

Fasteners for safe lifting of the structure and mounting at height.

Internal locks

They provide concealed protection against vandalism and secure the doors.

Transport end locks

They ensure a tighter fit of the door to the frame of the stucture.

Gas springs

Provide easy opening and locking of the door for safe maintenance of the structure.



Special perforation of the lower lining profile and eight of the upper-end fans provide air circulation to maintain the required temperature and humidity level inside the structure.

Perforation of the lower lining profile provides constant air flow

Fans bring out hot air from the Digital Billboard


Extra Equipment

The operational capabilities of digital displays can be extended by connecting extra equipment.

Auto dimming by light sensor

Depending on the illumination, automatically adjusts the LED brightness level.

Equipment for communication via Wi-Fi and mobile networks

Allows you to configure a wireless connection to your screen management system, including 3G and 4G (LTE) networks.

Sound system

Adds the ability to output sound to the content being broadcast on the digital display.

LED display internal volume heating system

Required to use the LED display in particularly cold climates.

Ambient temperature sensor

Allows you to display information about the current outdoor temperature.

Electricity metering unit

May be with manual readout or with automatic sending to the power supply company.

Video surveillance system

Allows you to monitor the screen remotely and control the content of the broadcast.


Three design models are available. The standard height is 0.6 m, it can be increased per request.

Application areas

Outdoor / Indoor

Citylight fits well in any pedestrian zone and modern interiors. It is used for various purposes, including both commercial and social advertising demonstration and as navigation in shopping centers.


Mounting Options


Standard type of accommodation on a pole


Doesn’t create obstacles in high-traffic areas


It can become part of the interior and change the design

In the bus shelter

Fits in any section


Production steps


You have questions about our products and services? Just contact us and we will be at your side.


We create a concept and plan an implementation according to your wishes and advise you in all matters.

Production & Transport

As soon as the planning is completed and approved by you, we go into production and deliver the product to your desired address.


Our qualified personal will take care of the assembly and installation of your product on site.


For service questions, you have a personal contact person.

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